There Are 2 Types of People

Earlier this week a friend graced me with his presence and joined me for my structured run on his recovery day. He is super speedy and entertaining which is partially why I beg him to run with me on my hard days! 🙂 The workout was pace change ups. Run x pace for x time. As the interval becomes shorter, the pace gets spicier. At one point he told me a certain pace was smooth and if I ran this way Sunday, it would be a good day. I brushed it off and responded with an unconfident “We’ll see!”

Fast forward to Friday. I was texting with Becca. Becca is an incredible person, athlete and is married to one of my best friends who is also my coach. I have yet to officially meet her but I feel like I’ve known her for ages. Perhaps it is an unspoken bond as Elliot keeps us both humble on workouts. I also know we’re both fighting to become the best we can. Becca was picking up on my uncertainty going into tomorrow.

One day I realized I wanted to be great. I still struggle and fail 1-2 workouts a month. But when my attitude turns negative and doubty, I just remember the day I decided I wanted to be great. And if not now, when? In order to do great things, great suffering and sacrifice have to take place. Dreams are just words and ideas on paper. Success is dreams put into action. There are two types of people. The ones who come to terms with it and the people who continue to make a way out and fail to grow.

Becca Kawaoka

Okay, so some deep thoughts went down! There are several moving parts in my life right now. Some days it feels like I’m relying on a lifejacket to keep my head above water. Other days I have the bull by the horns and feel invincible. The only difference between to the two is my attitude and confidence. In both my career and personal life, I know I have more to give. But I’ve fallen into a pattern of comfort and an occasionally doubtful attitude. When I reflect on my proudest moments, I struggled. It felt hard. I prepared for the worst which actually turned into a positive. My persistence was constantly challenged. I kept showing up and I’ll keep showing up until my dreams become reality.

As we are creeping up on my “come back” race, I am feeling pure excitement. There will be struggle. There will be times when it hurts like hell and I’m going to have to go dig a little deeper than what I think is possible. But I trust myself to power on because if not today, then when?


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